About Us

About Dervam Schools

About Us!


  • All students are capable of learning
  • A safe, secure, positive environment is essential for learning
  • Each student is a unique and valued individual whose self-esteem
    is enhanced by mutual respect between students and staff
  • Every child can reach his / her maximum potential.
  • Students learn best when they are actively engaged in meaningful
    learning opportunities.
  • Lifelong healthy habits are vital in creating citizens who are
    physically, mentally and emotionally prepared for the future.
  • Teachers and parents are critical partners in the education
  • Education is not just a pathway to opportunities but a requisite.
Dervam Schools
Dervam Schools


  • To build and maintain a culture of academic excellence, integrity
    and responsible citizenship.
  • To promote respect and tolerance towards others.
  • To maintain high standard of education.
  • To offer a wide range of relevant learning experiences in a
    positive and caring atmosphere. Instructions will provide for technological preparation of the students for an ever-changing
  • To develop curricula that will include innovative instructional
    approaches in order to accommodate different strengths and
    learning styles of students.
  • To equip students with the skills necessary to be successful in the
    global community.
  • To provide for safe and happy learning environment for children
    of diverse backgrounds and nationalities.
  •  To promote good morals and a high level of discipline.
  • To instill self confidence in students.


  • Respect – Fostering an atmosphere of cooperation, open mindedness
    and a positive attitude towards ourselves and others as well as
    properties. Treat others as we will wish to be treated.
  • Excellence – Always exceeding expectations by look for opportunities
    to learn, grow and believe in oneself and others.
  • Diversity – Be willing to listen and give attention to all whilst
    appreciating our similarities and differences and assuring every one of
    his or her place in the scheme of things.
  • Community – Creating strong inclusive partnerships that supports,
    motivates, appreciates and values the genuine feeling of community
    members as family working towards a common goal.
  • Responsibility – by being accountable for our words and actions, taking care of the school environment while contributing positively to creating a stimulating learning environment.
  • Integrity – In all situations being honest, always helpful and choosing to do the right thing always.
  • Perseverance – to empower oneself by seeing opportunities in errors
    made and by always asking for help without giving up Respect, Excellence, Diversity, Community, Responsibility, Integrity,
    Perseverance (REDCRIP) are the defining features of Dervam School’s
    system of positive behaviour intervention and support. Lessons on
    respect, excellence, diversity, community, responsibility, integrity and
    perseverance are explicitly taught by classroom teachers. Students
    demonstrating these core values are acknowledged with various forms
    of positive recognition.

REDCRIP helps everyone to reinforce the positive behaviours that we
want to see in the school.

Dervam Schools